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Bucky Rants

Oct 22, 2020

 Time for "Bucky H8 in '28." It's silly season, (that's what I call election season) but it will be my time in 8 years, just you watch. Back to that later, now it's time to talk about communication. You need to be CLEAR with your WORDS. Everything breaks down if communication breaks down. Talk at a 6th-grade level, and if you're talking about money and finances, drop that down to a 3rd-grade level.

Learn to apologize. Even if it's not your fault, remember to apologize. Ask them about them. Don't write long emails. Ask your question right in the subject line. Skip the flowery bullshit. Don't waste time, people love that. People with money REALLY love that. Remember the turtleneck freak Steve Jobs who said "Simple is complex" and less is better when you're using your words. And that's why my episodes are only 8 minutes long and I tell you what you need to know right in the subject line…Or in this case, in the title.

Click here to get your free chapter of Bucky's book "I HATE EVERYONE, but you...of course!" just do it, it's free.


Connect with Bucky Haighte:


Instagram: @BKYH8

Twitter: @BKYH8



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Don’t be an idiot and try to copy or use my stuff in any form without proper and legal permission. Be original for once. It’s called “Intellectual Property” for a reason. Use your intellect (i.e. brain) and don’t get your ass kicked by my team of lawyers. Peace out my “not-friend.”